Battery jump start service Hayward, California

Battery jump-start for you car

​Do you have any experience with this? Your kids are getting ready to go out, so you hop into the driver’s seat of your car. You turn the key and get ready to take off with your vehicle-but as you turn the ignition, nothing happens as you prepare to zoom away. You may sometimes hear a few clicks or falters from your engine, but the engine does not start.

You are likely well aware of what has happened here. Unfortunately, the battery is dead, and some drivers have to call a roadside assistance company.

If you have the right equipment and a little knowledge, however, you can fix this problem by yourself in a matter of minutes, jumping the engine and getting back on the road in no time.

Choose the Right jumper cables:

  • ​To jump a car battery, you do not need many tools. First, you should look for a working car before you can jump-start yours. Then, be sure both car owners know how to open the hood and identify the battery and battery terminals. A jumper cable is the most common tool used to jump-start cars because it is inexpensive and easy to store. Several jumper cables range from 10-20 feet in length. Longer cables can save you from moving the car with a dead battery. However, while longer cables are convenient, they can lose power. 

Prepare vehicles for jump-start:

  • Park both vehicles near to each other but they must not touch each other
  • Turn off both vehicles and remove the keys
  • Keep the jumper cables on the ground so the clamps do not touch each other
  • Open the hood and find the positive (red color or + sign) and negative (black or – sign) on both batteries
  • Clean the battery terminals properly

Attach clamps properly:

    • Attach the positive (red) cable clamp to the positive terminal of the battery of the non-operating car.
    • Attach the the other end of the positive cable to the positive (red) terminal of the battery of the operating car.
    • Attach the negative (black) cable clamp to the negative terminal of battery of the operating car.  
    • Go to the non-operating car and attach the other end of the negative (black) cable clamp to the unpainted and shiny metal like a nut on the engine.

Start the operating car:

  • ​It is time to start the working vehicle. Please wait a few minutes. For the jump to work, let the car run for a minute or two, depending on how old the battery is.

Start the non-functioning car:

  • It is time to start the non-functioning car. It should start, but if it does not start, you may need to keep the functioning vehicle running for a few more minutes. 

Disconnect clamps properly:

Once the dead car is running then disconnect the cables as stated here.

  • Disconnect the negative (black) cables
  • Disconnect the positive (red) cable.
  • Make sure the clamps do not touch each other unless they are completely disconnected from the both cars.

What to do if it does not work:

Call towing service near your location. If you are in Hayward, California or near by areas then call us.